Certified Wildlife Habitat

Who can certify their property with the National Wildlife Federation?

Certifying a site is as simple as providing the four habitat components: food, water, cover and places to raise young, in addition to practicing sustainable gardening techniques. Any site can be recognized as a certified wildlife habitat regardless of size. Whether it’s your backyard, a community garden, a school-yard, or a business site.

Six Simple Tips to Get Started

  1. Put out a bird feeder and fill it with sunflower seed.
  2. Plant a shrub with flowers for butterflies or berries for birds and small animals.
  3. Put out a birdbath. Even small water features will be used by wildlife.
  4. Provide dense shrubs, wildflower gardens, rock walls and evergreens as cover for wildlife.
  5. Hang a birdhouse, plant hose plants for butterfly caterpillars or install a frog pond to provide places to raise young.
  6. Put away the chemicals. Natural gardens are better for you and your family as well as wildlife.

Why Certify?

Aside from offering wildlife a wonderful place to thrive you’ll be eligible for the following benefits: A certificate for your wildlife habitat. A free one-year membership to National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and subscription to National Wildlife magazine. A subscription to the Habitats e-newsletter. An optional press release to your local newspaper announcing your certification .Inclusion in NWF’s National Registry of Habitats.

The Montreat Landcare Committee wants to recognize all efforts to restore habitat for wildlife.

We invite you join your neighbors in rolling out the welcome mat for birds, butterflies, and other small wildlife species that shares our land.

Montreat is the first Town in North Carolina to join the ranks of a few select communities across the country that are certified as a Community Wildlife Habitats by the National Wildlife Federation

You can Certify Your Habitat by visit www.nwf.org/gardenforwildlife directly online.

5 Reasons Birds Will “Tweet” About Your Fall Yard

From the National Wildlife Federation

Fall is a great time for bird-watching. Many birds are looking for an inviting place to stop over during their winter migration or even stay for the season.

Here are five helpful tips that are sure to have all the neighborhood birds “tweeting” about your yard this season:

  1. Provide running water. Birds require water year-round. The sound of running water in a birdbath or pond will be heard by birds from some distance, draw them in for a drink, and possibly a quick dip as well.
  2. Clean out birdhouses. Make necessary repairs to birdhouses in preparation for species that roost during fall and winter. In many areas, bluebirds, chickadees, nuthatches and winter wrens may take up nightly residence in birdhouses to keep warm and safe.
  3. Create brush piles. Save your fall clippings of branches and twigs. Then, pile them in a corner of the yard to create cover for birds that prefer habitat on the ground — such as dark-eyed juncos, tree sparrows and white-throated sparrows.
  4. Increase the number of feeders. In the cooler days of fall, birds increase their food consumption and will continue to do so as the temperature drops.
  5. Plant evergreens. Planted near feeders and birdbaths, evergreens are perfect for providing cover for birds after deciduous trees lose their leaves.

It Isn’t Good to Fool Mother Nature

We have seen what happens when we modify our environment…floods, landslides, roads washed away. As hard as we try we can’t change the laws of nature. Before we try modifying our environment for any reason we need to think about how it will affect the laws of nature. Will it affect our streams? What about the water we drink? The air we breathe? The birds, butterflies and other wildlife you enjoy in our own yard or garden?

You can help Mother Nature by having your yard certified with the National Wildlife Federation. It’s easier than you might think. There are four basic components of habitat needed by all wildlife: food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

Visit www.nwf.org/bwh for more tips on attracting wildlife. For questions call 1-800-822-9919 or certify online at www.nwf.org/bwh.

The Town of Montreat is an official “Certified Wildlife Habitat” recognized by the National Wildlife Federation — the first town in NC and the seventh community in the USA. For more information, visit www.montreatlandcare.org/projects/certified-wildlife-habitat.

O’Neil Tate, Landcare Community Wildlife Habitat coordinator

Did You Know? NC Wildlife Federation

North Carolina has the most comprehensive wildlife certification program in the country. Montreat was the first community wildlife habitat certified in N.C. Now the NC Wildlife Federation has staff and chapter members working all over the state.

Our local chapter is Mountain Wild in Asheville. If you are a member of the local chapter you are automatically a member of NC Wildlife Federation. These chapter members have been enhancing wildlife habitats while improving property values and improving property values and providing a place for children and adults alike to connect with nature. You can find out more information by contacting Christopher North at chris@newf.org

Hot Out? Help Wildlife Keep Cool

A recent e-newsletter from the National Wildlife Federation highlighted some ways you can invite your backyard wildlife to keep cool in the summer heat.

Simply providing a water source in your backyard is one of the best ways to care for and attract local wildlife, from turtles and frogs to birds and butterflies.

Here are a few helpful hints for turning your yard into a haven for wildlife this summer:

  • Provide a bird bath on a pedestal or a shallow dish at ground level to attract birds and other animals.
  • Make a puddling area where butterflies can gather and take in nutrients.
  • Clean and refill your bird bath or water dish every few days to prevent your water source from becoming a breeding habitat for mosquitoes.
  • Create a pond, if space permits, to provide habitat as well as a water supply for frogs, dragonflies and more.

When you’re inside enjoying your A/C, don’t forget about your friends in heat!


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June 28, 2019